SPMC vs Krypton Alpha3

I know about the ongoing problem about there being no maintainer for the android version of Kodi. Most people recommend to use Koyings SPMC over Kodi but how does this all work?

Are some of Koyings great work on SPMC merged into Kodi anyways? Are any of the new lines of work for Kodi merged into SPMC? Cherry picks?

I use Kodi/SPMC mostly for PVR and im therefor interested in all fixes improvements in the area. In the just published Kodi Alpha there is a lot of PVR enhancements:

Live TV and PVR (Personal Video Recorder)
To make it easy i just copied the list from one of our developers on the changes that happened in this section.
• Extend Kodi eventlog with PVR events, namely ‘create/delete timers and timer rules’ and ‘start/stop recordings’.
• Guide window: Allow timer creation for EPG in recent past.
• Timer window: Add option to hide disabled timers.
• Separate windows for “Timer Rules” and “Timers”.
• Guide & Search window: Add ‘Edit timer’/'Edit timer rule’ to context menu.
• Timer rules window: Echo up important Status info to Timer Rules.
• Guide window: Use timer logos depending on its state (needs skin support).
• Added enhancement and improvements to the PVR add-on API (connection state change handling, asynchronous EPG updates, and more – needs support from the different PVR add-ons!).
• Channels window: Add support for sorting channels by ‘last played’.
• Recordings window: Separate TV and Radio recordings.
• Guide window: performance improvements, especially on first open.
• Guide & Search window: Add ‘Delete timer rule’ to context menu.
• Add “ShowTimerRule” builtin, so one for instance can map a key to open the “add timer” dialog which is pre-filled to create a epg-based timer rule.
• Rework PVRManager: add-ons are now owned by add-on system.
• Make instant recording behavior configurable (fixed-time vs. current show vs. interactive).
• Timers: Allow to change timer type for existing timers. Makes it possible to for example ‘transform’ a timer for one episode of a show to a series recording (timer rule) for that show.
• Recordings window: make ‘group items’ setting persistent.
• JSON-RPC api: Sync pvr types fields with current implementation.
• Lots of bug fixes in all areas.

Are these also being merged into SPMC by Koying?

I (and many others im sure) wish that all the arguments between Kodi and former Kodi developers could be left in the past. Im sure that a combined effort would make much more progress and get rid of all the confusion about have 2 version of the "same" software with different names.

I know that there is a lot of developers spending a crazy amounts of their free time creating this amzing software and i really appreciate it! Keep up the good work Smile


I know that everybody works on this as a HOBBY, and by definition nobody has the right to tell somebody else what his hobby should be, or how / when / how much invest on it. But yeah, Kodi + SPMC in a single release/SW package would be much more than each package alone... Hope everyone finds some flexibility inside himself and forces come together again.

And if not, well, I'll still be grateful to you guys for sharing your efforts with all the community.


For Android users at 4.4 or lower.
SPMC is the best Kodi based option.
SPMC 16.3 runs exceptionally well for me, 16.4 has some issues being worked on.

Koying is the main supporter of the lowly androids and he has done a great job keeping my units rocking.

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SPMC vs Krypton Alpha30