Manually move addon out of "Orphaned Dependencies"
I'm the author of the Live Football Scores service addon.

When I install it from a zip file it shows up in orphaned dependencies.

My guess would be that this happens because the addon has multiple extension points, one of which is to act as a module (it provides a minimal API so it can interact with The Sports DB.
<extension point="xbmc.service" library="" start="login"/>
<extension point="xbmc.python.library" library="" />
<extension point="xbmc.python.script" library="" />
<extension point="xbmc.python.module" library="resources/lib/api" />

I'm not using The Sports DB currently so I would expect that Kodi sees a module that is not being used and marks the addon as orphaned.

It may well be that the API itself is not actually being used (I haven't checked whether they ended up using it or not) but, irrespective of this point, is there a way to override the orphaned state given the other extension points provided by the addon?

The reason for the multiple extension points are:
  • So the addon runs as a background service (to provide score notifications)
  • To provide user interaction (league tables etc.) when a user selects the addon from "Programs"
BBC Live Football Scores: Football scores notifications service.
script.squeezeinfo: shows what's playing on your Logitech Media Server

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Manually move addon out of "Orphaned Dependencies"0