Video plugin maker
Here is a small script that creates a plugin for a local folder.

What it does is allows you to stay in library view and view local folders. Currently it only works for videos.

How it works:
1. run the script
2. browse for the local or smb folder (You may choose a multipath source)
3. name the plugin
4. goto videos library view and under videos goto video plugins. there you'll have your new plugin.
5. run the plugin and you'll get your file list.
6. the path is saved in a settings.xml file, so you may edit it after from plugin settings.
For python coding questions first see
Anybody use this? Smile

New version supports smb shares
For python coding questions first see
I havent mate... what benefits does it have from just switching to files view?

Might have a play tommorow...
NUKA any chance of throwin up a compiled version, dont have an svn client installed!!

sounds handy!

Nope that's the only advantage c-quel Smile
For python coding questions first see
I sure see the advantage, will have a play soon.
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Hey Nuka, I'm trying to use this as a WOL script for my server as ozNick suggested it was compatible here:

When I run through and create the script for my share I get the error 'Copying plugin to new plugin folder failed!'

Is there something I am doing wrong? I am using this on my Windows XBMC and have the network share mapped in windows i.e. S:\Movies. I just grabbed the latest version off the SVN too.

The retries on the file access after WOL looks really good!
I get the same issue on the Xbox.
Sorry, totally my fault. I did not have the resources folder for some reason

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Video plugin maker0