stalker config on Kodi 17

I've got a paid subscription to with a mag254 box. and would like to get it playing in Kodi

I'm trying to configure the stalker add-on on 17 beta 2, but can't map the settings between the mag254, and the config page for Stalker, as not many seem to tally up:

Infomir Mag254:................................................................ >> Stalker add on (configuring portal1 initially)
MAC: this is OK and obvious where to put it Smile..................>> MAC
Serial: ditto ....................................................................... >> Serial
Portal name: TIM.EXPAT.IT................................................>> Server address: TIM.EXPAT.TV
* no setting in the Mag254 *..............................................>> Login + password: blank
............................................................................................ XMLTV
*no setting for this in the mag254 * ...................................>> scope: blank
bootstrap URL: igmp://>> remote URL: igmp://224/50/0/50:9000
update URL: igmp:// .>> nothing equivalent in stalker
* nothing in the Mag254 *................................................. .>> token: blank
* nothing in the Mag254 *.................................................. >> signature: blank

I've only just rediscovered Kodi after using XBMC on a hacked original xBox years ago, and It's my first noobie attempt at trying to configure a PVR / IP TV client and add-on so please don't hesitate to ask if I've done/missed something that might be obvious to experienced users, or let me know if I need to swap some above fields around and map them differently


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