[Request] Daisuki.net add-on
Hadn't looked here for a while (I'm not subscribed to this thread for some reason), but great to see that someone picked it up! I'll try it soon.

I just tried to download the plugin and got a 404 error on github.
Repo also gives me 404 error.
I just tried the add-on and it works great so far.

It does trip on series that only have a PV out, though. For instance Fate/Grand Order at the moment. According to the log it returns a zero value for "folge1" which isn't allowed. If you can't find an easy way to read those episodes you might just want to throw a "no episodes found" message instead of an error.

Things like episode titles and plot would be nice to have, but not a necessity. I'll see if I can figure out how to put them in myself.

Thanks again!

New Version is Online. The error should be now an Correct Message.

Plot Would be possible, the Problem is, i would have to read every Episode with an http request. WOuld make 26 Request for One Series

I would cad Slow, and also The more Calls, the more Likely daisuki detect the Plugin. And i'm Not shure if they want a Kodi Plugin. So the Possible Increases they change their Cryption Algorithm

Yeah, then it's better to leave it the way it is.

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[Request] Daisuki.net add-on1