Unwanted music on Fire TV
Hi, brand new user here.
I got Kodi for my Fire TV stick and it's great but I get an issue when opening any video or music. After I hit Play, the content loads. Then it pauses itself after about 2 seconds, and some music starts playing. Then if I press play again, the music stops and the content plays as normal. Sometimes if I press pause during playing something, the same music plays.
How do I stop it automatically pausing itself after hitting play?
And how do I turn off what appears to be a background music function? Or how do I control/change what music it chooses to play? The music it currently plays isn't even stuff I like! Confused
Might I ask where your videos or music are coming from? Are these local sources? And, if the music is stuff you don't like, is it stuff you have stored, or is it streaming?

My suspicion is a dodgy add-on, but let's see. It could also be a skin-specific option, or you may have a playlist defined either via the application or perhaps a text file. A debug_log (wiki) would certainly tell more.

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Unwanted music on Fire TV0