pvr mapping to channel names
Does anyone know where I would find a list of pvr channels mapped to channel names. I'm using the default Stalker client 1.0.8 and IPTVSimple client 1.12.12 on LibreELEC 7.0.2 (Kodi version 16.1). Looking for channel ids or names mapped to stream urls in this format
pvr://channels/tv/All channels/pvr.stalker_1628131461.pvr

Reason I'm looking for this is I want to speed up the process of configuring an epg to work with live TV. Afaik, at the moment this has to be done manually for each channel - at least with the original script.tvguide and the newer script.tvguide.fullscreen.
Found the answer to my question.
script.tvguide.fullscreen stores the mapings in /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.tvguide.fullscreen/addons.ini

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