New to Kodi, need some help
I have installed Kodi on a RiPi3.

I did not realize when I was doing it that the Kodi version that came with OpenELEC here ( where outdated, and in my reading it said I have to do a complete reimage of OpenELEC.

I am wondering if I should switch over to LibreELEC, and which one is right for me?

Add ons I am using:
IPVanish (OpenVPN)
YouKu TV

and a few others I can not type and do not remember due to them being in Chinese.

Go there and about half way down you will find a section "Manual Update / Migration from OpenELEC (.tar)" complete with download link and YouTube tutorial. That should get you into LE 7.0.2 which is the current stable release.
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Awesome that works nicely, however OpenVPN does not work, and the VPN Manager won't work well.
LibreElec has OpenVPN built in it.

I know @lrusak has a working add-on to use it in his repo which may help you ( here). There are also support threads on the LibreElec forum on how to get it working ( some examples).

This thread on Github may also be helpful.

Concerning the VPN manager, see here and here.
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New to Kodi, need some help0