problem with libreelec update
(2016-12-03, 08:17)Milhouse Wrote: Berryboot has it's own way of updating installed operating systems, and this conflicts with the LibreELEC operating system update process.

As mentioned before.
If your automated update procedure puts its new SYSTEM file in either /storage/.kodi/temp/oe_update/SYSTEM or /storage/.update/SYSTEM like the competition does, Berryboot will replace your image on next reboot.

Quote:Berryboot is a solution for users that are short of space and need to share a boot partition (firmware, kernel, overlays) between multiple operating systems, but this will fall apart when booting an OS that expects kernel 4.8.x and current firmware, while your Berryboot installation is still using kernel 4.4.x, and firmware from 2-3 months ago. Basically, you're limited to using operating systems that all have the same kernel/firmware version as the Berryboot base system, or you can expect problems.

Firmware is 3 weeks old, not 3 months...

Kernel follows the raspberrypi github default branch, which is currently indeed 4.4.x, matching modules are mounted under /lib/modules.
If you can convince the powers that be to get kexec() properly fixed ( ), then it could be changed to chainload whatever experimental kernel version you like instead though...
(2016-12-09, 21:34)Max_nl Wrote: Kernel follows the raspberrypi github default branch, which is currently indeed 4.4.x, matching modules are mounted under /lib/modules.
If you can convince the powers that be to get kexec() properly fixed ( ), then it could be changed to chainload whatever experimental kernel version you like instead though...

The LibreELEC kernel does not follow the Raspberry Pi default branch, so the config of the kernel used by Berryboot will be rather different from that provided by LibreELEC, and expected by the LibreELEC SYSTEM file.

If/when chainloading is supported, Berryboot will still have to handle potentially multiple firmware versions unless Berryboot intends to share firmware between all installed operating systems, in which case the booting system may or may not be using the correct firmware, which will result in unpredictable/unexpected behaviour. The same goes for overlays.

Given the lack of chainloading support, and the risk of bad/unexpected things happening when a new LE SYSTEM is booted with older or wrong kernel+firmware+overlays, I'd rather not add any explicit support for Berryboot as this would only make it more likely that users get themselves into a pickle, and come to LibreELEC asking for support.
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(2016-12-10, 05:13)Milhouse Wrote: If/when chainloading is supported, Berryboot will still have to handle potentially multiple firmware versions unless Berryboot intends to share firmware between all installed operating systems, in which case the booting system may or may not be using the correct firmware, which will result in unpredictable/unexpected behaviour. The same goes for overlays.

Would argue that the latest version of the firmware should always be able to work with all older kernels, and any other behavior is a bug in said firmware.
But yes, I am aware reality is sometimes different.

Same with overlays.
Think it is kinda strange to have a hat specification for add-on boards suggesting device tree fragments are static enough to put in an eeprom, yet changing some of the overlays per kernel version.

Quote:Given the lack of chainloading support, and the risk of bad/unexpected things happening when a new LE SYSTEM is booted with older or wrong kernel+firmware+overlays, I'd rather not add any explicit support for Berryboot as this would only make it more likely that users get themselves into a pickle, and come to LibreELEC asking for support.

Well, if you rather have that I remove LibreElec from Berryboot, that can be arranged.
Did was added on request.
Yes, latest firmware should work with older kernel and userland, but older firmware may not work so well with newer kernel/userland. I don't know what causes the Berryboot firmware to update, but it's easy to see that if not careful firmware and kernel and userland can/will get out of sync, which may result in unpredictable results. We take special care to ensure that LibreELEC ships with matched kernel/firmware/userland, and with Berryboot that isn't what the end user is getting.

The thing is, I know that LibreELEC adds new and updated overlays (dbto) with each new release, so if a Berryboot user updates to a new LE version they might try (or we might ask them) to enable an overlay that isn't present because Berryboot only provides a smaller subset of older overlays. Or the compiler/kernel we've used in a new build doesn't work so well with the Berryboot overlays that are based on an older kernel or compiler (eg. gcc-5.4 vs. gcc-6.2). We do see overlays updated in different kernel releases - fixing bugs, adding features - so running LE against an older kernel and/or overlay may reveal a bug that is already fixed in the version of the overlay shipped with LibreELEC, but not fixed in the Berryboot version, and then we have users complaining the issue is still there in LibreELEC.

With Berryboot, because we (LibreELEC) can't be certain what the user has installed on their system (what kernel? what config? what firmware? what overlays? who supplied them? how where they built?), it makes supporting such a system very difficult, if not impossible.

And this is my main concern, that by it's very nature Berryboot results in a system that is not the same as that released by LibreELEC, and this may result in unpredictable/unexplainable differences that are caused by Berryboot, but are blamed on LibreELEC. This is a support headache for us, as we are supplying an embedded system yet the Berryboot user is running a repackaged version that is not the same as the official version I or anyone else will have.

At the very least, Berryboot should not be shipping a version of LibreELEC that has been repackaged and is still marked as "official". When repackaging Berryboot, it should be very clear that it is no longer an "official" release by updating the release details in /etc/os-release, ie. setting LIBREELEC_BUILD="Berryboot", and replacing all references to "official" with "Berryboot" (including the filename).

I don't know how many users there are with Berryboot and LibreELEC so I'm not going to ask you to remove any support you may already have (if you do, that is your choice) however I don't think we (as in LibreELEC) can give support to Berryboot users with LibreELEC installations, and I simply wanted to make this very clear.
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(2016-12-10, 07:15)Milhouse Wrote: I don't know how many users there are with Berryboot and LibreELEC so I'm not going to ask you to remove any support you may already have (if you do, that is your choice) however I don't think we (as in LibreELEC) can give support to Berryboot users with LibreELEC installations, and I simply wanted to make this very clear.

The Berryboot software itself has +/- 30k downloads per month.
Do not have any stats on distribution downloads, as the Berryboot software downloads those directly, and sourceforge does not count automated downloads that do not go through their main website.

Anyway, removed your distribution.
I agree with @Milhouse on the potential for issues but don't have strong recall over the past few years of many actually arising, so with the general goal of having lots of people use and enjoy our software I would prefer to find a compromise where BB installs are distinctly marked (in logs, etc.) so that Kodi/LE and other forum and support staff are aware of what they're working with. In the long-term I'd prefer for BB images to be built from sources with appropriate changes (using the right kernel etc.) instead of the current scenario. That approach also makes it trivial to tag them as a "BerryBoot" image and not repackaged "official" images. If there is any will on BB side to maintain a better LE image for BB I'd rather collaborate with the ecosystem around us than close doors, that's all.
(2016-12-10, 09:28)chewitt Wrote: If there is any will on BB side to maintain a better LE image for BB I'd rather collaborate with the ecosystem around us than close doors, that's all.

Sorry, but I add distributions either as-is (as in unchanged root file system, I do not consider kernel relevant), or not at all.
I have no plans on maintaining an edited "Unofficial LE Berryboot edition" image.

Might start yet another new minimalist distribution instead.
One that just copies the network configuration and locale settings from Berryboot, and starts Kodi, without bothering the user with additional configuration questions and such.
Think that would be less work and hassle.

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