Low Sound quality and constant beeping sound

When I am using XBMC (2.0.0) and playing mp3 files of viewing DVD images the sound quality and volume is very low, also there is some kind of beeping sound that is very annoying...

When play games of starting the xbox; all of the sounds are normal and of a good kind of quality...

Do some off you know if this is a know issue..?

Please ask if you need more information.

Thanks you and Regards,
really, we shouldn't need to drag the info out of you.

Try raising the volume in XBMC
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-Spoon- Wrote:When I am using XBMC (2.0.0)
That is really old and thus unsupported. Update to the very latest SVN build (google "T3CH XBMC")
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Low Sound quality and constant beeping sound0