Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Timeline EPG data disappears
HI all, I'm hoping for some help.

I've been running this PVR add-on for a couple of weeks with a raspi3 runnign Librelec, connected to a HDHomerun Prime. I like its simplicity and it's been reliable except for one problem: I use the Timeline EPG view all the time. However sometimes the EPG data just runs out and it's blank. I know that it's limited to 4 hours in the future, however often it doesn't even show the data for the current time slot.

A few notes:
1. In troubleshooting this I've tried setting the "Update Interval" to 30 minutes, and I've tried deselecting "prevent updates during playback". However the problem persists.
2. I can always work around this by doing a "clear data" (or rebooting).
3. When I change the view to "Now" I can see the currently playing guide data. This problem seems specific to Timeline view.
4. The version of the add-on that I am running is reported as 1.0.12

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

PS: Happy holidays!

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