Guide how to write on external ntfs usb drives for kodi on android 6.0.1 no root
Hello This guide should help you write video files from kodi to a NTFS usb, NFS server, and smb without root.

For amazon fire/ stick users you will not be able to use usb you need to use NFS sever or smb client also not to sure it will work for amazon fire but im pretty confident it will If someone does please let me know so i can edit this out and say if it does or doesnt work for amazon fire.

First you are going to need es file share installed and the version of kodi you want installed.

next you will need to download lucky patcher unroot apk and install that as well. Heres a link for that

Next open lucky patcher, go down to kodi menu, open kodi menu, you should now have 6 options to pick from. chose the third one which saids "open menu of patches"
Than click "create modified APK file" Then pick the 4th one which should say "APK with changed permissions and activities" Than make sure every option is selected and than click "rebuild the app"

Now there should be a new kodi apk file in you're storage. we are going to now need to uninstall the kodi apk you have install and install the new kodi apk that was made with lucky patcher. back up you're kodi files first before uninstalling kodi or you will lose all you're addons.

Now that kodi is uninstalled, we have to install the kodi apk which was made by lucky patcher which gives write permissions.

so open up ES file share, than open these file paths andriod/data/com.andriod.vending.billing.inappbillingservice/files/LuckyPatcher/modified/kodi/ now you're new kodi apk should be in that file and now install that one.

now go to youre computer and format youre usb to what format you want Id recommend NTFS.

this is a every important step or this wont work. in youre usb, NFS server or smb client make a folder Android than another folder called data and inside that folder make another folder called org.xbmc.kodi. so it should look like Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi

Now if you ever want to write files from kodi to you're devices just make sure you're device folder location is always Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi or it wont work.

For amazon fire users i am not sure if this works but i have a good feeling it does. do the same steps as above but without a usb you will need to use a smb client, or NFS sever and make sure you set the folders up right where you have you're folders as write and read for everyone in both NFS and smbclient.

smb client for windows guide giving everyone permission to write

NFS windows 2012 server guide giving everyone permission to write
So I'm going to be posting out the tutorial today not sure if this is know but maybe it can help others to, also if anyone has Amazon fire TV/ stick and has either a nfs server of smb client setup, I'd appreciate if you would want to help me see if we can get kodi to write video files to you're clients with out root because I think this should work.
Guide is done if anyone has any questions let me know and will answer.

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Guide how to write on external ntfs usb drives for kodi on android 6.0.1 no root0