Videos Crash ~ every 10 Minutes [Maybe Wifi Problem]

So whenever I start a Movie/Series (doesnt matter if 480p 1080 h264 or h265) the Stream starts but after around 10 minutes i get a black screen and it goes back to the selection screen.

I own a Q-BOX Android5.1 TV BOX with Kodi 16.0 it is connected via wifi with my Fritzbox 7490 where a 4TB WD Elements NAS offers the Movies and Tv-shows.

The Box is connected via 5GHZ Wifi so Bandwith should not be a problem.
I just upgraded from a Raspberry 2 so i can play h.265 and I never had any wifi problems with the Pi and 720p Videos.

When i connect the external hard drive directly to the Box the problem does not occur

I also switched from 5Ghz to 2.4 but still the same Problem.
I checked the log from the Fritzbox but it seemed alright

I am clueless here so here is the Log with a recent crash:

11:38:50 is the time of one crash for example

Can anyone help?

Thank you in advance and sorry for the bad english

A lttle bit of reading:

And maybe also this one:
Moanbag is in da place!
Your install is littered with piracy add-ons. You'll need to clean it up removing all of it and then replicate your problem with a clean install for any chance of support here.
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Videos Crash ~ every 10 Minutes [Maybe Wifi Problem]0