v17 Problems with refresh rate and CEC on Fire TV stick
Hi all,

I installed Kodi 17 RC2 on my Fire TV Stick and it works like a charm. First of all: Thanks for that!! Smile

I only have one problem: I was really happy, that the dynamic change of the video refresh rate is now possible on Fire TV. It works and the videos I tested played at 24p. But always when the refresh rate changes, my television switch to another source (my sattelite receiver). I already figured out, that it's because of the CEC. If I disable CEC in my television it works fine. Unfortunately I really need CEC as the WAF! My setup is a 2 years old Samsung LED TV, VU+ Zero (VTI) receiver and the Fire TV Stick. All devices have the newest available software. I already tried to change all relevant CEC options on the receiver. This problem is only on Fire TV stick; it works great with my Fire TV 2. Would be very very happy if anyone could help!!

I updated to RC3, same problem. Has anyone an idea?

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Problems with refresh rate and CEC on Fire TV stick0