Issues with Metalchris Addons
I want to start off by saying, I am beyond new at this entire system. I have learned a lil bit so far but am stil not sure exactly what I am doing.

I am running a X96 box with xbmc 16.1 installed

I have installed a few addons so far without issues.

Issues come soon as I attempt to install anything related to MetalChris specifically CarbonTV, but the entire repo as well.

I am located in canada and purchased my box preloaded with many addons.

I used addon installer to finally get CarbonTv onto my system after trying to install it from super repo amd it failing, as well as metalchris repo itself.

Not sure what info is needed but if you all would be kind enough to walk me through how to get it, in terms of logs and such, i will post what ever is asked to get this issue resolved.
(2017-01-15, 03:24)Keegn4123 Wrote: I am located in canada and purchased my box preloaded with many addons.

I used addon installer to finally get CarbonTv onto my system

This may be your issue. We don't support hardware sold "preloaded" with (99% of the time) piracy add-ons. These vendors violate our trademark, our T&Cs and put the Kodi name into disrepute by including that junk.

Their custom installs often modify crucial system files which can lead to issues you are experiencing when trying to install legitimate add-ons outside of their junk "installer". The only support we can give is to recommend removing the preloaded custom Kodi install and replacing it with the official one.
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Oooh okay. It was purchased from a retailer in our town. I can find out, if there is pirated stuff on the box, what kinda addons would I be looking for?
banned addons (wiki)

Basically anything which provides TV shows, channels or films for free that you'd normally need to pay to receive, or that obviously is providing stuff that shouldn't be accessible (eg movies still in theatres) then you can consider that addon to be blacklisted.
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I will do a clean wipe and hope that fixes some of the issues.

Still seems weird that so far only the addons from metalchris arent working.
(2017-01-15, 19:19)Keegn4123 Wrote: Okay.

I will do a clean wipe and hope that fixes some of the issues.

Please do. And please do not use any 'installers', or 'wizards' to install my add-ons (or anyone else's for that matter). I know there are a number of blogs and websites that have catalogued my add-ons, and those of many others, and those sites will tell you the use of their special methods is the best, or only way to obtain add-ons. This is simply not true.

The only official source of my add-ons is via the link in my signature, from a thread on this forum, or via my repository on Github.

Some reading you might find helpful:

HOW-TO:Install add-ons

HOW-TO:Install add-ons from zip files

(2017-01-15, 19:19)Keegn4123 Wrote: Still seems weird that so far only the addons from MetalChris arent working.

Must be my lucky day or something. Wink

Please check the 'My Add-ons' link in my signature. All of my add-ons are listed there, and those that have been released in this forum will have a support link on my page that will take you to the appropriate forum thread. Please always be sure to provide a debug log (wiki).
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | Redbox | NEWSnet| NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked
Metalchris, thanks for the reply.

Excuse my ignorance, but everything I have installed so far has been directly through Kodi, on my box, by adding a source, and then installing from zip.

What would be your source information for your repo?
(2017-01-15, 21:36)Keegn4123 Wrote: Metalchris, thanks for the reply.

Excuse my ignorance, but everything I have installed so far has been directly through Kodi, on my box, by adding a source, and then installing from zip.

What would be your source information for your repo?

The bolded part above worries me. It sounds like the 'instructions' I've seen on some less reputable sites, where they have you add a 'source' via the File Manager in Kodi. This is not the correct way to install a repo. Perhaps I should have worded my previous post a bit differently:

(2017-01-15, 20:26)MetalChris Wrote: The only official places to obtain my add-ons is via the link in my signature, from a thread on this forum, or via my repository on Github.

There is no source information for my repo. It's a zip file.

You would need to download my repo from Github, and then install from zip in Kodi. The process for installing a repo from zip is the same as installing an add-on from zip. You would then see my repository listed in the add-on manager in Kodi, where you could then select it and see all of my add-ons listed.

If you've downloaded my add-ons or my repo from any other place not listed in my previous post, there's no telling what version you've received. Some of my earlier attempts were umm, less than successful, and did not work as expected. I'm getting better at this, but still have a lot to learn.

Kodi is an amazing piece of software, but does take some time to learn how it all works. Don't get discouraged. This forum is the best place to find answers to any and all questions about it. I've been using Kodi since it was known as XBMC, and it seems I learn something new here almost everyday.
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | Redbox | NEWSnet| NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked
Do i need to dow load the repo and save to a usb key and then install onto my box.
(2017-01-15, 22:45)Keegn4123 Wrote: Do i need to dow load the repo and save to a usb key and then install onto my box.

Yep, that should work. Then in the Kodi Add-on Manager, choose install from zip, navigate to your usb key, select the zip file, and you should be good to go.
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | Redbox | NEWSnet| NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked
How do I stop your adding "the hunt" from buffering with every single selection?
Love the channel but it's making me crazy every 20 seconds it is buffering... none of my other adorns has this issue... anything I can do?
(2017-03-08, 07:13)Rdnoakes75 Wrote: How do I stop your adding "the hunt" from buffering with every single selection?
Love the channel but it's making me crazy every 20 seconds it is buffering... none of my other adorns has this issue... anything I can do?

Have you checked the release thread for any suggestions? If, after checking that thread, you still have issues, then provide a link to your debug_log (wiki) in that thread.
Kodi Nexus (20.2) on Dell Optiplex 980 Lubuntu 22.04 | Kodi Matrix (19.3) on HTPC Lubuntu 20.04 | My Add-ons | Legacy Repo | Matrix Repo
>>>>> Newest MetalChris Addons: LG Channels | Xumo Play | DistroTV | Local Now | Redbox | NEWSnet| NHL Radio | Weather Unlocked

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