Android How to Uncheck a Series of Watched TV Shows
Newbie Dave here. I have different seasons of TV shows on an external hard drive. I use a Element ti4 Kodi box. An example of my file system on the HD is I have Season 1 of West World in it's own folder (about 8 different files) I also have Season 1 of Vikings in it's own folder (About 10 different files). I have watched all the episodes of West World and only 4 of the 8 episodes of Vikings. There is a check mark on the screen next to each show I have completely watched, an underscore next to shows I have partially watched and no mark at all on shows I have not started watching. Is there any way I can remove the check marks from the folder that has West World episodes in only, so I can start watching them again without affecting the checkmarks of the 4 episodes of Vikings I've seen? Hope I'm not confusing you with this!! Tks, David
To start with the Element box is Android, I believe, not windows.
You are right!! I'm sorry, it is an android box!! I will move this thread to the proper forum!!
Newbie Dave here. I have different seasons of TV shows on an external hard drive. I use a Element ti4 Kodi box. An example of my file system on the HD is I have Season 1 of West World in it's own folder (about 8 different files) I also have Season 1 of Vikings in it's own folder (About 10 different files). I have watched all the episodes of West World and only 4 of the 8 episodes of Vikings. There is a check mark on the screen next to each show I have completely watched, an underscore next to shows I have partially watched and no mark at all on shows I have not started watching. Is there any way I can remove the check marks from the folder that has West World episodes in only, so I can start watching them again without affecting the checkmarks of the 4 episodes of Vikings I've seen? Hope I'm not confusing you with this!! Tks, David

PS - I started this thread in the Windows forum and was informed that this should be in Android!!
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Context menu, mark as unwatched.
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I found the answer by looking at some past threads!! I can set up different "Profiles". I've tried this and it works perfectly!! Tks to all that have helped!! Davod

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How to Uncheck a Series of Watched TV Shows0