Bug Possible RC 4 Bug
HI All

i am pretty sure it's been since i put RC 4 on my box, been using the nightlies for a while now and for my usage it was rock solid but have now been getting display anomalies, my TV will re-sync during play back of a show at a random time, this is around 21.19 in the log, then once the show finished i was going to go into the library and it just reset itself again minimized and went to window mode not fake full screen bottom of the log

the log is pretty big so hoping this snippet will help http://pastebin.com/vfZC8See

21:19:16.013 T:7444   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is inactive
21:19:16.013 T:7444   DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::SetFullScreenInternal - Switching swap chain to windowed mode.
21:19:16.013 T:7444   DEBUG: CWinSystemWin32::OnDisplayLost - notify display lost event
21:19:16.013 T:7444   DEBUG: CRenderManager::Flush - flushing renderer
21:19:16.113 T:7444  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: OnLostDisplay received
21:19:16.481 T:3316   DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_PAUSE: 1
21:19:16.533 T:7444   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: display change event
21:19:16.612 T:7444   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
21:19:16.665 T:7444   DEBUG: CRenderSystemDX::SetFullScreenInternal - Switching swap chain to fullscreen state.
21:19:16.665 T:7444   DEBUG: CWinSystemWin32::OnDisplayLost - notify display lost event
21:19:16.665 T:7444   DEBUG: CRenderManager::Flush - flushing renderer
21:19:16.667 T:7444  NOTICE: VideoPlayer: OnLostDisplay received
21:19:16.667 T:3316   DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_PAUSE: 1
21:19:16.809 T:7444   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: display change event
21:19:16.815 T:7444  NOTICE: Found screen: AGC AVR6 (AGC0005 EDID Override) on Intel(R) HD Graphics 620, adapter 0.
21:19:16.816 T:7444  NOTICE: Primary mode: 3840x2160@ 60.00 - Full Screen

thanks for your time
The debug is missing some details at the top, (telling us o/s and hardware stats) looks like something is grabbing focus, or the graphic engine is having issues with the file and borks.

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Possible RC 4 Bug0