How to change default view to wall? Kodi 17
On the previous version of Kodi most of folders were in wall view. (Shows the tiles). Like now when I got to tv shows everything is in list form. The only way to change it is by going into each folder and press options. There has to be a better way to change that. There's to many folders to go into and change one by one.
do you see options icon in bottom left corner?
Yes that's what I'm talking about. I have to do that in every single folder. Tv shows hit options then wall > most popular (options again) > Shows (options again). I have to do that in every single category. That's too much
check this
Can't figure it out on android. I can't find that file anywhere. Yes hidden files are visible
I figured it out. I had to change the skin back to default. Thank you for your help

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How to change default view to wall? Kodi 170