Binary addon not works on Android
(2017-02-11, 13:50)Koying Wrote: And that has little chance to work on droid:
Code:'chmod +x ' + __path__ + '/bin/*', shell=True)
  cmd = __path__+'/bin/transmission.start '+__path__, shell=True)

I just now realized, that code is exactly, what I have done too. Wink And it gave me the error, that I copied at #11.
Okay, now the addon works like a charm on the Pis and on the other ARM Kodi distributions, except the Android Kodi...

Well, I didn't tested it, but if I clearly remember, the data/data/ is mounted without the noexec flag. So if I Can ask the Kodi to temporarily move my binary (that I want to execute) to its data folder (/data/data/org.xbmc.kodi) and start it from here, hopefully it will work...

Dear devs, what Do You think about that? Can You create a python API for Kodi addons, that Can Do this temp move?
(2017-03-05, 21:17)MrDini Wrote: Well, I didn't tested it, but if I clearly remember, the data/data/ is mounted without the noexec flag. So if I Can ask the Kodi to temporarily move my binary (that I want to execute) to its data folder (/data/data/org.xbmc.kodi) and start it from here, hopefully it will work...

/data/data/org.xbmc.kodi is in the /data/data/ partition, which is mounted noexec...
(2017-03-08, 14:58)wsnipex Wrote: /data/data/org.xbmc.kodi is in the /data/data/ partition, which is mounted noexec...

Oh God, that is not funny! Sad So in that case, I have no idea... Please let me now, if You find a way to do this at the future!

Thanks for all feedbacks! Smile
Hi, exists any solution for install native addon to Android?

I created simple addon which "install" native addon to app cache folder This is very dirty solution...

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Binary addon not works on Android0