2017-02-10, 00:33
I am an OSMC user and I configured my Raspberry as Media Center with KODI 17 (the official release supported now by OSMC), look here:
To manage photos I do the following.
I have a folder /media/KODI/FLICKRFS where I have a folder for each event. I keep in sync this folder with Flickr using flyckrsmartsync:
I have also Flickr plugin installed to watch images on TV, but this is too slow probably because the plugin does not use cache features. However, I found a better way to watch images very quickly. Since my folder is in sync with Flickr I can watch images locally. I need Flickr to have my photos on all my devices.
I use Slideshow feature to watch images on TV and it is great. The only limitation is that I cannot associate music to a Slideshow, I have to start music before starting Slideshow.
Now after all this introduction I want to ask if there is a Slideshow plugin which is better than default Slideshow supported by KODI. Basically I would like to associate a play list with each folder so that when Slideshow start on a Folder automatically the music play, or setup a single PlayList that starts whenever a Slideshow starts. Is there something like this in Kodi universe?
I am an OSMC user and I configured my Raspberry as Media Center with KODI 17 (the official release supported now by OSMC), look here:
To manage photos I do the following.
I have a folder /media/KODI/FLICKRFS where I have a folder for each event. I keep in sync this folder with Flickr using flyckrsmartsync:
I have also Flickr plugin installed to watch images on TV, but this is too slow probably because the plugin does not use cache features. However, I found a better way to watch images very quickly. Since my folder is in sync with Flickr I can watch images locally. I need Flickr to have my photos on all my devices.
I use Slideshow feature to watch images on TV and it is great. The only limitation is that I cannot associate music to a Slideshow, I have to start music before starting Slideshow.
Now after all this introduction I want to ask if there is a Slideshow plugin which is better than default Slideshow supported by KODI. Basically I would like to associate a play list with each folder so that when Slideshow start on a Folder automatically the music play, or setup a single PlayList that starts whenever a Slideshow starts. Is there something like this in Kodi universe?