Android Prevent Jarvis Updating to Krypton?
How do you stop Kodi updating to Krypton on the Nvidia Shield?

A few days ago I manually uninstalled it. Spent an hour or so re-installing Jarvis from a downloaded apk and setting it up again.
Now it has automatically updated to Krypton without asking me.

How do I stop it doing that?

I know a lot of people have put a lot of work into Krypton but it doesn't work very well for me.
Turn off automatic updates for Kodi in app settings / Google Play.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.
@Danhelus - you really should stop spoon feeding someone with 1414 posts when there is a START HERE Q & A thread that actually has the answer in it already.

Look like there are a bunch of Android users that are too bloody lazy to Point Click and Read. ! Sad

Thank you sir
@Danhelus Thanks for your help.

@wrxtasy Please remember there are real people writing these messages.

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Prevent Jarvis Updating to Krypton?0