Linux Browse for new share (SMB) hangs
Hi - I've got two Raspberry Pi's and my Android phone set up, thought adding Kodi to my laptop would be down hill.

Followed the steps to install, and all was going fine until I tried to add my videos. They're all on a Windows PC. I clicked Browse, then Windows network (SMB), and then little half-circle with Working... sits and spins... and spins... and spins. At this point Kodi is hosed, Clicking "OK", "Cancel", nothing responds. I have to kill the process.

While looking about I happened to notice that on the main Kodi menu "System" then "System information", then "Network" that the Primary DNS value is wrong ( it should be Not sure if that is relevant or not.

I should say that outside of Kodi the laptop has no problem setting up a samba connection to the same Windows PC for the same drives.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Browse for new share (SMB) hangs0