Unable to split TV-shows over multiple nodes
Due to lack of space I archive the seasons of TV-Shows that I've watched to an external hard disk. However I would like to keep them in the video database, so I've created a script to generate stub-files. The stub files are stored in a separate folder structure. The folder in which the recent episodes and the episode stubs reside are both included in the video database.

Example of my folder structure:
/data/video/TV-Shows/Archer/<recent episodes>
/data/video/TV-Shows/Arrow/<recent episodes>
/data/video/Archived/TV-Shows/Archer/<episode stubs>
/data/video/Archived/TV-Shows/Arrow<episode stubs>

I would like the regular 'TV-Shows' menu entry to only show the recent episodes and have another menu item via which i can access the stubs of the archived older episodes. After running into trouble on the living room HTPC I decided to setup a test environment on my desktop PC.

I've used the library node editor to create a root-node called 'Test', which contains nodes 'Recent' and 'Archived'. I've set the content type of both nodes to 'TV show' and setup path-starts-with rule to include either '/data/video/TV-Shows' or '/data/video/Archived/TV-Shows'. In this setup I use only stub-files (<episode>.disc).

This setup works as long as a the episodes of a single TV show only appear in 1 of the 2 folders. When different episodes appear in both folders - simulating a situation where some episodes are archived and some not - all episodes will show up in just one folder. It appears the rule somehow applies to the TV-Show as a whole.

Sidestep: Strangely enough the episodes always show up under the same node. I've tried swapping the order of the nodes, changing their name, swapping the epsiodes themselves, but it has no effect.

Question: Is it possible to split a TV show over multiple nodes using the path rule ?
Quote:Question: Is it possible to split a TV show over multiple nodes using the path rule ?
I don't think so, the idea of nodes and smart playlists is to bring them together in your library. An exclusionary rule might be possible, but looking at the way you're micro managing the library, it's creating more work. A node rule uses the same rule set that smart playlist uses, perhaps using them would be easier.

Are your stub files "The stub files are stored in a separate folder structure." small video place holders or are you using <discstub>

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Unable to split TV-shows over multiple nodes0