Kodi 17 Backup Add-on Not Restoring
I'm a newbie to Kodi 17, so I'll provide as much data as possible so folks from this forum can help me.

I've installed and fully configured Kodi 17 on one of my HTPCs running Windows 10, which I installed from the Windows Store. I installed the Kodi Backup Add-on and performed a backup of this installation on a USB drive.

I've taken the USB drive to my second HTPC running Windows 10, added the Backup Add-on, and I've tried to recover it by browsing to the Kodi back up folder on the USB drive(remote path).

The screen reads as follows:
Top of the screen...
- Backup - Mode
Body of the screen...
- Backup
- Restore
- Open Settings
Lower Right-hand corner...
- 3 items -1/1

When I click on "Restore" another dialog box appears.
Top of the screen...
- "Back - Backup Folder Name"
Lower Right-hand corner...
- "0 items - 0/0"

I've checked the Kodi wiki for the Backup Addon, but I'm not sure what I may be missing here.

Please note that the UserData location for Kodi 17 from the Windows Store is in a different location vs. the original location for Kodi installed not using the Windows Store version.

Kodi UserData path from Windows Store: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\XBMCFoundation.Kodi_4n2hpmxwrvr6p\LocalCache\Roaming\Kodi

Kodi UserData path: %APPDATA%\kodi\userdata

Could this have an impact on why the restore isn't working?

Any help to perform this restore would be greatly appreciated.

I manually copied the Add-ons, Media & User Profiles from HTPC1 (Windows 10 & fully configured for Kodi 17) from:

To the same location on HTPC2. The restore/cloning worked perfectly.

Hope this helps others until the Backup Add-on can address this directly.

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