missing buttons ff rw
Hi All,

First off I want to say what a great app and what a great community. Thanks for the hard work that's done by all of those in involved! So I've been beating my head against the wall trying to solve this on my own, but can't so now I must ask for help.....In Krypton 17.1 there are only 3 buttons on the virtual transport, which are play, stop and rewind to beginning. Is it possible to add ff rw and ff to end (which are present in most skins). I've combed through the forum trying to find this answer and can't seem to find a thread that has it.

Thanks so much,
Virtual transport?

I'm not sure what you're asking, can you post some screenshots with a bit more detail?
The virtual transport is where the play rw ff buttons are shown when a movie is playing and you select menu option. usually at the bottom sometimes on the top depending on the skin. with no skin they are missing the ones I've pointed out in my previous message. I guess it could be considered the OSD see pic 7...

video_playback (wiki)
Ok I see what you mean now, I never knew it was called that Smile

I can't say that I've noticed the issue, I've just checked and those buttons are there on my installs (checked on a Windows install and an Android one) using Confluence as I don't like Estuary.

Can you confirm is it only happening on Estuary or is it happening on all skins?

We're gonna need a debug log as well to see what's going on.
It's only with Estuary, think I just may switch back to Confluence. I don't think it's an error, I'm pretty sure now it's just the skin and I can't edit it.
Ok I've just checked it in Estuary <shudder> and you're correct it doesn't give you |<< or >>|

Just another reason for me not to like it I suppose Wink

I'm not sure whether this would be classed as a bug, a Microsoft "it's a feature not a bug" or an intended outcome?

I'd ask one of the mods to move this thread to the Estuary subforum of the Skins Support forum, you're more likely to get helpful answer in there, even if they might not be the ones you want Wink
Thank you for helping!!
Press Up to focus the progress bar and use Left/right to seek.
Moving to Estuary, as this is a skin/how-to-use issue and not Android-specific.
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missing buttons ff rw0