Solved Krypton is not launching on Win 10
I have just recently updated Kodi from 16 to 17 and now that it is installed I cannot start it. I have tried so many things to make it work but all I can get out of it is a quick flash of a loading wheel of my mouse then that is it. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Also, tried 17rc4, 17, 17.1rc1, and 17.1.
We need a proper debug log. Read the sticky posts how to provide a debug log.
People with this issue try and reboot your machine then see if it opens. Does it on mine as well, My guess its hanging up in the back ground.
I am also having this issue. Rebooted multiple times and installed any windows updates needed. Still no go. I have also uninstalled Kodi all together but kept user settings. After the re-install, still not launching. I opened up the task manager to see if there were any Kodi processes running but when I click on the icon, it pops in there for about 3-4 seconds with the mouse wheel, then disappears. I would like to figure out what is causing this. I didn't really want to update to Krypton because of the heavy customization I have done to my setup but the add-ons stopped working. Now the whole program isn't working. Help, please.
Debug log (wiki) Note you can activate the debug log via advancedsettings.xml in your userdata folder, the wiki's show you how.
Will post log as soon as I get home. Reading through some of the posts here, it might be due to an out dated GPU and drivers might need updating.
I got it fixed after reading another post and deleted addons27 file out of the appdata/roaming/kodi
Thread marked solved.

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Krypton is not launching on Win 101