Update Incompatible?
I've been trying to make the update to krypton 17.1 on my Android box. I currently have Jarvis 16 or whatever, it's been prompting me to make the update. I've had this box for a few months now so it's fairly new, I wouldn't think it's out of date but I don't know that for sure. I followed their "newbie" instructions to updating but I am stuck at downloading the actual update. I tried the google play store first and it automatically says my device isn't compatible. They have another update link so I tried that, it downloaded but when I open Kodi it's still build 16. I can't find much on my exact situation yet so I thought I'd ask here. Thanks for the help.
Look at the settings for your DEVICE and determine what version of Android the box is using. If it's not at least Android V5 (Lollipop) you can not upgrade to kodi 17.
Okay so that is the issue then I have version 4.4. Thanks for the quick response, that being said, how do I update my box? Would that have to be done through PC?
That kind of support should be asked on the manufacturer's website, since this place is only for Kodi related stuff
(2017-04-05, 01:06)JaySnively33 Wrote: Okay so that is the issue then I have version 4.4. Thanks for the quick response, that being said, how do I update my box? Would that have to be done through PC?

This is a Kodi forum, not a general Android forum, updating your Android version is a question for you box manufacture/seller or in a forum that deals with Android specifically.

That said, most likely you have a cheap Chinese box that will not ever receive an update since they don't provide any proper support for those devices and are only about grabbing you money and running.
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Ok thanks for so much support, everybody here didn't tell me to go to different sites and they told me exactly how to solve my problem! Special shout out to tinwarble for least informative post of the year. Good luck to anyone with the same problem as me, unfortunately this site cannot help you.
Well now before you get a wild hair up your wazu...if you have one of the more popular brands of those Chinese boxes, you might find a custom ROM at Freaktab forums or maybe XDA forums. Yes you probably will need a PC to flash one. But you should first check with the support site for your box and make sure there is NO stock upgrade to Android 5.0 as that is most preferred.

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Update Incompatible?0