Installing 17 on Raspbian Jessie
Hi - I installed V17 on Raspbian Jessie using this info - I am going to try next to install on another instance doing an upgrade from 15 to 17. However when I exited out of 17 it told me I was on Release Candidate 2 and that 17 stable was available. Can anyone tell me if there is a way for me to upgrade to 17 stable?

The last version available in that repo is 17.1 RC2 wich was never released and changed to 17.1 stable/final. It is only 4 or 5 really minor commits behind, so it is pratically the same. You can just ignore the warning and anwser no, it won't appear again.

You have 17.1 stable/final available here, but you will need to update the firmware/kernel via rpi-update, otherwise it won't work good, at least h265 videos:
(2017-04-08, 16:19)rascas Wrote: The last version available in that repo is 17.1 RC2 wich was never released and changed to 17.1 stable/final. It is only 4 or 5 really minor commits behind, so it is pratically the same. You can just ignore the warning and anwser no, it won't appear again.

You have 17.1 stable/final available here, but you will need to update the firmware/kernel via rpi-update, otherwise it won't work good, at least h265 videos:

Great - thank you. Should I install all the files that are labelled for jessie? I'll google how to update the firmware.

Thanks again,

Edit - gave it a try but clearly beyond my noobie skill level. Every package I try to install has a dependency on another package and I can't seem to find the starting point. I'll go back to the one I tested!

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Installing 17 on Raspbian Jessie0