Fanart Size
I am trying put in some custom fanart for some of my movies. The art is set at 1280 x 720. Problem is that kodi still cuts off the image. Is there a way to fix this? I have also tried a different skin to no avail. I currently use the Rapier skin.
This might be of help...

Click on the type of artwork you are trying to create, and it will give you the size it should be created as.

Personally, I don't stick to these exact sizes. Rather I treat them as ratios... According to that link, if an image "must be" 1920x1080, then it can also be 3840x2160 or 960x540. As long as the ratios are kept the same, then the artwork will fit into the allotted space.
I made the image 960x540, But another image I have that is 900x568 does seem to fit. Not sure if there is a way to fix my problem.
Is the proper dimensions for kodi in fact 900x600? Is there a way to change this?
Quote:Is the proper dimensions for kodi in fact 900x600? Is there a way to change this?

I am not sure what you are asking. I gave you a link to what the dimensions should be. Where did you get 900x600 from for fanart?

I imagine anything can be changed, as long as you have the coding skills.

Quote:The art is set at 1280 x 720. Problem is that kodi still cuts off the image
Why did you choose this particular size to create the fanart?
Install Gimp, Photoshop, or use the image manipulation tool of your choice.

Open the image in Gimp (or other), scale the canvas size to 1920x1080, then change the layer(s) to 1920x1080. Save and done.
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