[MOD] Kodi 17 Estuary - MashUp mod
No longer hosting the file, cant find a way to delete this post, If a mod could do so that would be great.
Thanks for the contribution. I'll test it tonight; been looking for a modded Estuary-based skin with SkinShortcuts support for a while. Big Grin
Yeah, I thought it needed it, hope you get use out if it! TBH, the other skins are great in there own way but i feel this skin is really modern and the widgets for music, library and favourites i couldnt do without, it was just missing the skin shortcuts and imo more posters on screen in certain views.

Thanks for the reply.

Also i just noticed that the widgets wasnt clicking through, ive fixed movies to click through, but tv seasons arent. If you download the updated zip, you can replace the home.xml file. Or reinstall?

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[MOD] Kodi 17 Estuary - MashUp mod0