Release Ring Video Doorbell
(2017-09-03, 11:36)debutanker Wrote: Many thanks for the addon @jlippold!
Tried it with an actual x86 milhouse leia build and here it doesnt work for me ---->

Its a character encoding issue:
11:14:54.411 T:140118123861760 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>
Error Contents: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc' in position 5: ordinal not in range(128)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 110, in <module>
File "/storage/.kodi/addons/", line 57, in init
li = xbmcgui.ListItem(str(event['formatted']), iconImage='DefaultVideo.png')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc' in position 5: ordinal not in range(128)

I'll update the addon to check for these odd characters next build, but in the meantime, rename your camera to something with plain text. Maybe you're using an emoji in the name, or something like that.
Many thanks for your help - renamed the Doorbell and now it works!

edit: worked only for one video. after i closed the addon and wanted to start it again, kodi shows me an error ---->
After restarting my system, the addon is working again but also only once
Thanks for the add-on. I can't wait to use it but I can't get it working. I have Krypton 17.6. Setup is simple. I did the repository and then the addon from the Jlippold repostory. Also tried the Kodi Repository. Both say Authentication Failed. I triple checked on and in Kodi. I have a subscription... Does it work with Krypton 17.6?
I have the same problem.

It says that the user name or password is wrong.
I got this error message:

Authentication Error: Check your credentials.

Tried 17.6 and 18.0 BETA 3

I can login using an Android phone and in Windows.

// Sorry I didn't notice that I reported this 3 weeks ago.
Running on windows with latest LEIA Release

It says that the user name or password is wrong.
Same - fails with "Authentication Error: Check your credentials. 

Confirmed repeatedly that I have my credentials correct.
(2019-09-25, 07:13)Danabw Wrote: Same - fails with "Authentication Error: Check your credentials. 

Confirmed repeatedly that I have my credentials correct.

I think some of the calls must've changed.
If you replace the contents of the ring_doorbell folder located at kodi/addons/ with the contents of this folder it'll work:
I have it working fine, its still slow as crap but it works.
The location of that folder varies on whatever platform you're running.
(2019-09-25, 15:59)gb160 Wrote:
(2019-09-25, 07:13)Danabw Wrote: Same - fails with "Authentication Error: Check your credentials. 

Confirmed repeatedly that I have my credentials correct.

I think some of the calls must've changed.
If you replace the contents of the ring_doorbell folder located at kodi/addons/ with the contents of this folder it'll work:
I have it working fine, its still slow as crap but it works.
The location of that folder varies on whatever platform you're running. 

Hi, is this add-on still being developed, or has the OP lost his interest to maintain this add on ?
Primary Sony 85" X8500F LED, Yamaha RX-V685, Odroid N2 4GB running CoreElec 19.4 RC1 (Kodi Matrix), SVS 5.1 Sound
Secondary Panasonic 50" ST50 Plasma, Pioneer AV916, Asus Chromebox running LibreElec (Kodi Leia)
(2019-10-22, 14:49)bym007 Wrote:
(2019-09-25, 15:59)gb160 Wrote:
(2019-09-25, 07:13)Danabw Wrote: Same - fails with "Authentication Error: Check your credentials. 

Confirmed repeatedly that I have my credentials correct.

I think some of the calls must've changed.
If you replace the contents of the ring_doorbell folder located at kodi/addons/ with the contents of this folder it'll work:
I have it working fine, its still slow as crap but it works.
The location of that folder varies on whatever platform you're running.   

Hi, is this add-on still being developed, or has the OP lost his interest to maintain this add on ?  

Im not 100% sure, but I imagine the OP has lost interest as its not been updated for ages and isn't currently usable without making the changes I mentioned, and even with those changes its really slow for me and not terribly useful.

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Ring Video Doorbell0