v16 Display Issues
I'm having trouble with Kodi. I installed a new display graphics card. Before I was displays 2 monitors. Now with my upgraded Display Card that displays 3 monitors now, Kodi shows a blurry green and red color like I'm looking at it in 3D. I can not change the window from fullscreen to windowed or even switch screens without Kodi Freezing up. I upgraded from Kodi 16, to 17, no change! Can you help me with these issues or do I need to Uninstall Kodi and not use? My O/S= Windows 10 64 Bit with 8 GB of Ram. Video Card from a XFX Radeon R5 230 R5-230A-CLF2 2GB 128-Bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.1, upgraded to a EVGA GeForce GT 730 2GB GDDR5 64bit DVI/HDMI/VGA Low Profile Graphics Card.
Going from AMD to Nvidia graphics... Try renaming/deleting your guisettings.xml and restart Kodi.
How do I rename/delete my guisettings.xml?
I upgraded to Kodi 18, now I see a blank black screen, Don't know what to do now
The guisettings.xml file sits in the %appdata%/kodi/userdata folder.
Renaming/deleting can be done with your file manager.

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