Kodi 17.3 Krypton on raspbian jessie: what kind of stability is expected?
I'm running Kodi 17.3 Krypton on a raspberry pi 3, model b, with raspbian jessie.
I'm using the app "Kore" on android as the controller.

I'm wondering what kind of stability that could be expected with this setup?

My experience has been that the quality is great when I'm streaming video, but I sometimes need to restart kodi, or even reboot the raspberry pi, to be able to switch program. In one case I even had to pull the plug on the raspberry pi (I couldn't ssh in and it didn't even respond to pings).

Is this as expected? Or should I expect more stability? If so, does anyone have any ideas what I might be missing from my setup?
Is the lack of stability caused by the plugins I'm running?

More details on what I did:
I installed raspbian on an sd-card, booted and did some initial setup (upgraded to the latest, set up ssh correctly, set up the network) and then pulled in kodi with "apt-get install kodi".

I then added kodi as a systemd service so that it will start on boot (that wasn't part of the debian package). The service is running as the "pi" user.

I started by installing the youtube and the nrk.no plugins.

I initially had some success with the youtube plugin but none with the nrk.no plugin.

With youtube I could watch films, but sometimes had problems starting films (I would get only sound, and either frozen blocky graphics or just a black screen). I eventually was able to start the troublesome films but I had to reboot to get there.

After installing the retrospect plugin and then enabling all of the nrk.no channels I was able to watch both direct broadcast and recordings from nrk.no.

But I experienced the same thing as with youtube: sometimes programs won't start and I need a kodi restart or sometimes a raspberry pi reboot to be able to watch them.


- Steinar
If it's only Kodi you need running on the RPi-3, you might want to try LibreELEC. It is Kodi on a plain vanilla Linux build with only a couple of necessary bells and whistles. It's pretty stable.
I got my RPi-3 just a few months ago purely to run Kodi. First instance was to install Kodi on top of RaspBian Jesse and then configure Kodi using the Estuary Mod Skin. All media is on and External USB HDD. These are MKV videos and MP3 audio. No streaming.

This setup proved to be unstable for me. The system would hang frequently during different operations and would need a power cycle to come back to life.

I then tried Kodi on top of LibreElec with the same configuration. Again this would also hang as previously.

The next step was to try Kodi on OSMC and this has proved to be the most stable. It has stopped once or twice but is far more stable than the other configurations.

I have no idea why and also why some things work for some folk and not for others - but then the combinations and permutations of software/hardware are enormous.

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Kodi 17.3 Krypton on raspbian jessie: what kind of stability is expected?0