Android Kodi 17.4 - Shield, SMB
Hi Team,

I don't know where to start but....

I am running Kodi 17.4. A fairly new install as I have been playing with other options.
I have been using Kodi since it used to run on a very old XBOX.

I also have SPMC setup as (at the time) Kodi did not do some of the high-end audio options on my Shield that I wished to test.

Anyway.... Kodi is setup to look at a couple of SMB shares on a NAS (I should use NFS but have not got round to it)
It is also looking at a shared folder on a Windows 10 PC, it's just browsing this folder not collecting any data to add to a library.

Over the last week or so (i suspect since 17.4 update was installed) i have been unable to access the SMB share on my Windows 10 PC from Kodi.
When i would select the shared folder it would think about it and then display the loading circle icon, eventually the Shield screen saver kicks in and then i press back a few times to be told it could not connect to the server. I think the longest i have left it is 20 mins.

Networking wise everything is fine, nothing has changed there. Shield is connected to my router via ethernet and so is the Win10 PC.
I then installed a SMB client on my android phone and that connected instantly to the shared folder.
I then setup SPMC to point to the shared folder and that worked the first time, every time.

A few reboots and still no joy. The only thing I noticed that in the setup of Kodi the Mac address of my shield was not displayed correctly.

What have I tried?
I went through the FAQ and edited registry entries tweaked and netbios options etc. but I know that nothing really has changed to warrant this.

Now this is the odd bit. After a long time trying to get this to work, i switched on my NAS and connected to the SMB shares on that to browse the folders in Kodi.
After successfully browsing those SMB shares I went back and tried my shared folder on my PC and it worked...why? who knows...

Is it possible some SMB code got upset on a recent Kodi update?
No idea, there's no way to troubleshoot after the fact. It could have been caused by any number of things.

If it happens again though, I'd suggest getting a Debug log (wiki).
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Ironically i was collecting logs, i only turned the NAS on to show in the logs a working SMB connection and a failed one. The fact PC SMB share started working kinda annoyed me as it had been days of pain Smile

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Kodi 17.4 - Shield, SMB0