XBOX 18-Alpha For Devs to read Xbox issue I think you may be interested in
This is my first post and I didn't know where to post so please don't be too critical. I have noticed a issue that you may or may not already know about. I noticed that when trying to do a clean install on the xbox that it seems to reinstall Kodi along with previous setting even though they may be turned off or on in the new install. I also noticed that during the install from the Xbox store that it pauses and says restoring user settings. So here is an example of what exactly I have run into: The first time I installed Kodi on my Xbox I turned off the gui sounds due to having to turn up the volume for media that may be lower and gui sounds may be too loud. I decided to do a clean install and uninstalled and reinstalled. Now even though the switch is turned on for gui sounds it's off and 5.1 is working even though 2.0 is selected on the clean install. No matter if I select gui off and then back on still no gui sounds same with sound ouput, if i select 2.0 channels it's stuck on 5.1 even though default is 2.0 and it says 2.0 audio output is 5.1. It's seems some how the xbox is retaining my previous settings and now they are permanent. I also noticed that under saved data there is nothing to delete. I hope this info helps in some way.
Well, that certainly shouldn't happen. The workaround though is that Kodi has a system by system restore to factory default option. At the bottom of every section there's an option "Reset above settings to default." Wherever you made changes, if you select that, it SHOULD bring it back to how it was to start out.

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18-Alpha For Devs to read Xbox issue I think you may be interested in0