Enter queues music instead of playing it now
for some reason (I may have accidentally pushed a button) kodi adds a music file to some sort of invisible playlist instead of playing it right now.

before that it was fine, it also moved automatically to the next file in the directory.

I fail to find any information on how I got there and how I get myself out of this predicament.

on a separate matter: is there a way to disable all that database approach based upon ID3 tags on music files?
most of the metadata is incorrect or absent besides that, there is already a database that organizes my music, it's called a filesystem ;-)

version is 17.6 on debian testing
(2018-03-14, 00:16)qorron Wrote: for some reason (I may have accidentally pushed a button) kodi adds a music file to some sort of invisible playlist instead of playing it right now

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so typical.. after googling for about an hour, I finally decided to post here and five minutes later, I found the solution myself.

options, player settings, music, second entry: queue on select

thanks, @Karellen for your fast and helpful answer
As for your other question disable this https://kodi.wiki/view/Settings/Media/Mu...ag_reading
(2018-03-14, 00:26)qorron Wrote: I finally decided to post here and five minutes later, I found the solution myself.
haha, I have done that more than a few times Wink
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Happy that your questions were answered.
(2018-03-14, 00:16)qorron Wrote: ...most of the metadata is incorrect or absent besides that, there is already a database that organizes my music, it's called a filesystem ;-)
A hierchrical file system is a very limited way of organising your music, a relational database is capable of capturing far more diverse data and complex interrelationships than folder naming ever can. Time taken accurately tagging your music files and creating a music library would give you a much richer music browsing and selection experience. The choice is yours of course.

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