Change "Play" button Action
How can i make the "Play" button on TV Show video info to automatically play the "first unwatched" episodes instead of opening the episode library. 

Is it even possible? thank you
You can enable to select the first unwatched episode via options in Settings/Media/Videos/Library, which will still make you 'click' a couple of times, but you should get the correct episode.

Going straight from a video's info to playing that 1st unwatched video is not possible with Kodi's present functionality.
Yes I know that. Are you sure its not possible? what about add multiple action into the "Play" button? so when I click the button, it will automatically open the episode list and play the episode..?
Hi.i dont know if it wilö work.but a theory how it s maybe possible.



onclick condition="Content(tvshow)">PlayMedia$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.Unwatched)]</onclick>
But get from tv show content tp episede contemt media is a big problem.

I have no idea if its possible.but lets try.

another idea is ,to get the code for the "next episode" widget.
make a hidden button to that, and set focus
and than the onclick command

but again.its just an idea and im a noob im that....
(2018-05-12, 19:55)Klojum Wrote: You can enable to select the first unwatched episode via options in Settings/Media/Videos/Library, which will still make you 'click' a couple of times, but you should get the correct episode.

Going straight from a video's info to playing that 1st unwatched video is not possible with Kodi's present functionality.
Maybe its possible to make an
<onclick condition = "***">setfocus(***) + sendclick(****)</onclick

if he gets the ids??

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