kodi crashes after video playback stops & occasionally on screensaver

I have been having an issue for a while now whereby kodi will launch and play a video just fine, but when the video finishes kodi crashes out back to the desktop.
Occasionally it does this when just left on the home screen after the screensaver kicks in.

I tried restartoncrash.exe to re-launch it each time, but this has its own issues so i have removed it.

kodi and windows are both fresh installs at this point, with all drivers up to date and no issues in device manager.

I am running windows 10 pro 1803 17134.84 with all latest updates/patches
Nvidia gtx950 with latest drivers - 397.93 - DX 11.1
kodi 17.6 Dec 10
i7 3770 3.4ghz
8GB ram
Nvidia HDMI audio out to an av receiver


Any help appreciated! Smile
Please don't cut off log files and subsequently paste only the part(s) that you think are interesting. We want to know everything.
Also, your signature image/graphic is no longer working. Please note there is a 40px maximum height for signature graphics on this forum.
Okie dokie,

Haven't used the forums for years as I've not had any issues I couldn't sort out, so if there's and old sig I'll remove it. - Done

And the reason the log is trimmed is because it was too big for pastebin on the free account, however it was with that video file that it finally gave the crash behaviour as ironically once I enabled debug logging it stopped crashing after a video for ages.

Here is the full Log:


It was around the 16:30 mark after the anthony bordain video it crashed.
Here is and additional log of kodi crashing whilst just sitting on the home screen after the dim screensaver has kicked in.

(2018-05-29, 08:29)ravepants Wrote: Here is and additional log of kodi crashing whilst just sitting on the home screen after the dim screensaver has kicked in.

please upload crash dumps from Kodi profile folder, your logs have no useful information about the issue.
here is a link to the dump file:

Possibly the same issue as reported here:

I am also experiencing this behavior, as I just commented with some detail on the other thread.

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kodi crashes after video playback stops & occasionally on screensaver0