Change channels inside favourite
I have created a favorite if the best channels available inside my PVR service however when I press the up or the down key to change the channel it goes to the next channel as they are organized inside the PVR not as they are organized inside the favorite.

How can I change the up/down key behaviour so it goes to next channel inside the favorite not the PVR list?
(2018-06-23, 12:33)ouyahama Wrote: I have created a favorite if the best channels available inside my PVR service however when I press the up or the down key to change the channel it goes to the next channel as they are organized inside the PVR not as they are organized inside the favorite.

How can I change the up/down key behaviour so it goes to next channel inside the favorite not the PVR list?

Create a channel group, put your favorite channels in, done.

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