"Copy To..." Addon?
My media library which is accessed from a central HTPC is stored over several windows machines, each with several harddrives in them.  Nothing particularly unique or abnormal about that I guess.

When we go away for summer vacation, we like to take a few TV shows (entire series, or a couple of seasons of one or another), plus a selection of movies along with us on a portable USB drive to watch on a laptop that also has its own install of Kodi on it, and its own library consisting of whatever is on the portable drive.

Of course, manually locating the stuff we want to bring along and copying it to the portable drive outside of Kodi from windows explorer takes a long time and quite a bit of effort.

Is there "Copy To" addon that can be accessed from the context menu of any item in the Kodi UI, that can copy that item (or list of items) to a local drive from wherever it's networked location is that Kodi sees?  Ideally something that can queue these items and copy them in the background while the user browses and hits the "Copy To" command as they are deciding on what to take along?

Many thanks
Why not simply use the built-in File Manager?
I can't see how the file manager would work for this?

If I have a couple of thousand movies, and want to choose a select few of my newest additions, I can go to the movie view sorted by "Recently added", and start browsing from there, and (randomly) pick say 20 or 30 of the movies to take along - how would I do that quickly and efficiently with the file manager, given that these movies are all stored across some 30 harddrives on 6 different machines?

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