iOS Unable to load KODI on Xs Max
Good morning all,

I am trying to load KODI vía Xcode to my new iPhone XS Max and I am getting an error that says the app is not compatible with the CPU type.
Did something change with the new iPhones?
While I understand stand we iOS users are very few, I also know those of us with the new iPhones are even less. Though my question is if a fix for this would be coming at some point.
You have to give more info.
Are you compiling from Source or using a binary from us (which one). What did you exactly do, step by step?
i downloaded latest .deb file 18.0 b2 (also happens with 17.6) from
signed with iOS App Signer and tried to load with xCode
iOS 11 and higher don't support 32 bit apps anymore, try again with a version from
(2018-09-22, 19:34)Rechi Wrote: iOS 11 and higher don't support 32 bit apps anymore, try again with a version from
 I feel like such an IDIOT!!!!
I knew that!!!

Thanks a million, just loaded Kodi 18.0 B2 and will start configuring my setup.

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Unable to load KODI on Xs Max0