Mint 18.3, Kodi 17.6 - Python Error Msg "Need 1.7, you have 1.2.3".
Thanks in advance all.   As noted I using Linux Mint 18.3 and was able to download Kodi 17.6 from Mint's Software Manager.   But I am unable to download or use any add-ons, as on starting Kodi I get the error messege to the effect of: "You need Python at least 1.7, you have version 1.2.3".   Yet in checking my version of Python using my terminal I have Python v 2.7.12 and v 3.5.2.

I really have no idea how to proceed.   Thanks...
I'm sure it doesn't tell you have Python 1.2.3, you need at least 1.7.

It tells, 'Your version 1.2.3 of the Python cryptography module is too old. You need at least version 1.7.'.

Python cryptography module isn't Python.
Thanks for the link.   Tried as follows see log:

Still getting the same python crypto error ("You have 1.2.3 etc).
From your log:
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these.

Did you do that? You should run that command exactly. Do not pass the debs to it.
FWIW, when I had to do this, passing both debs to dpkg at the same time worked fine, however passing them one at a time did not.
sudo dpkg -i python-openssl_16.2.0-1_all.deb python-cryptography_1.7.1-2_amd64.deb
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Seeing as both OpenSSL and cryptography are python libraries, pure and simple, I figured that the less hacky approach would be to use pip to install the newer versions. AFAICT this has worked in that a) I no longer get warnings when I start Kodi and b) the eternal loading animations on the addons screen are gone. One thing that caught me off guard was that the libraries needed were Python 2, rather than 3. Remeber to explicitly use "pip2" when installing:

apt-get install python-pip
pip2 install cryptography --upgrade
pip2 install pyopenssl --upgrade

and restart. Check the imports in a python console to be sure (again make sure that it's python 2).
this is a totally hacky approach, cause it installs an unmaintained private version via pip ... you won't automatically receive any security updates that way.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Mint 18.3, Kodi 17.6 - Python Error Msg "Need 1.7, you have 1.2.3".0