Android T98 Pro
I have this Android T98 Pro Android box that I have been running in my garage for the last 8 months or so.Ive been running WiFi since I don't have LAN in the garage. I have since installed RJ45 cat5 hardwire to the garage. My thoughts are to have better connection and more secure. The part that has me confused is. On WiFi I'm getting 5 mb up and 20 mb down average. On LAN or hardwired Im getting 5 mb up and 2 mb down average. Checked with a PC and no problem with this connection. It seems to be with the box its self. This is the first time Ive ever found to be faster and more reliable with WiFi over hardwire. Something is killing my download speed on LAN which in turn causes constant buffering. Im thinking this has something to do with software but not sure. any ideas out there?
More likely to be a cabling issue.  Have you tested the cabling?  What speed do you get if you plug a laptop in?

Otherwise check the speed/duplex that you are getting matches the switch/router settings
Yes I did check the cable with my laptop. I get 5 up and 20 down with my laptop. 7ms latency. This make no sense to me. All should be fine with this. But its not at all.
What is your test result if you connect your laptop directly to the router with a short patch cable ?
Anything can happened when you are punching down the Cat5 wires, without the proper cable tester/qualifier, we are all guessing here.
What I should do is cut the ends of the new cable and crimp new RJ45 ends on it. I do have a proper tester but I need a 9 volt battery for the signal sender. I will get back tomorrow with that result. Thanks .
What you described sounds like a network CATx mapper to me, it will only tell you if the pins are wired correctly, but it wouldn't tell you if the wires are wired correctly, or if the cable as a whole can achieve certain kind of speed.

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