library access from windows PC to Android device

I am Kodi beginner but enthusiastic !
I spent a few hours on tutorials to configure the latest Kodi on my windows PC (kodi 17.3), all my movies files are based on my PC Hard Drive. Everything works perfectly ! 
I also installed Kodi on android tablet, I have no media file on my tablet, I want to access to my PC media files from my tablet.
So I have found how to play a movie on my tablet thanks to UPnP Media Servers (Auto Discover) link, that's work. 
But now I would like to have the media library as it's appears on my PC. Also the possibility that my library on my tablet to be automatically updated when I add a movie on my PC.

Is that possible ?
The library doesn't work with files shared by UPNP. You'd need to share them via another means (SMB/CIFS is probably simplest from a Windows PC) and then you should be able to have the same set-up on the tablet as the PC.

For sharing the library, you'd need to use something like MYSQL (wiki) to do that, or a 3rd party solution like Emby.

Oh and the latest version of Kodi is v17.6, although v18 is in its final stages of release candidate so shouldn't be too long in also being generally available.
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(2019-01-10, 12:24)GuillaumeDieppe Wrote: to configure the latest Kodi on my windows PC (kodi 17.3),
I would suggest to at least upgrade to 17.6 which is the final stable for the Krypton releases. Please note that no further changes or updates will be made for Kodi Krypton, as Kodi 18 Leia will soon become the new stable release.

(2019-01-10, 12:24)GuillaumeDieppe Wrote: But now I would like to have the media library as it's appears on my PC. Also the possibility that my library on my tablet to be automatically updated when I add a movie on my PC.
There are more ways than one to share your media library across Kodi devices. UPnP should be an option, but it can have its own silly problems. There is also the option of using a MySQL server for sharing all metadata of your media files. Plenty of people have gone that route, although this is not a beginner's toy. You can find a wiki tutorial on it here. There are also tools like Plex and Trakt, but those are not in my bag of expertise.

EDIT: I see I'm a bit late with my response... Eek
Many thanks for your reply

I forgot to add that I just want to share library at home between all my device but only at local level
I folowed this :
I just tested with a laptop at home
I don't understand what make impossible to have my movie list (library) here :


Because if I press "Enter files section", then I do that :




And I can watch all movies from my main PC.
What is the issue ? Thanks in advance
Thanks for 17.6 alert, I am uptodate now !
Still investigating, strange but near to the target... Anyone has the solution ?

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library access from windows PC to Android device0