Remotecontrol of STB not works with Kodi 18

a very good Morning to everyone. My Box made an Update to Version 18 of Kodi. Now the Remotecontrol does not work. So I can not use Kodi at all at the Moment. Could I solve this Problem or is it Bug?
If I want to go back to Version 17.6, which Version did I have to install? The CPU of the STB is ARM Cortex A53, Quad core 64bit, 15.000 Dmips. Did I need the ARM64-v8a Version?
I know, I also have to stop the Auto-Update-Function in the Google-Store...

Greetz Ziegenmelker
Same problem on STB Openbox. The remote control does not work with new Kodi 18.

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Remotecontrol of STB not works with Kodi 181