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Home Furniture Issue: Settings deleted in Home Furniture but still appears in menu
Hi all, thanks a million for this skin - I've played around with heaps, but this is my favourite by a mile.

I've gone back to Jarvis on my LibreElec Box (video micro stuttering issue with Krypton and Leia), so I've also gone back to version 3.3.0 of Metropolis.

The issue is thus:
I set up my home furniture as per my previous Krypton version, and deleted the Settings item from the menu and moved it to the Shutdown Menu on the S key.
My issue is that the settings item still appears in the menu (albeit without a background pic anymore), even though it no longer appears in the Home Furniture section when I go to edit anything.
Is there a way to manually fix this, or will I need to reset the Home Furniture and try again?

Thanks for any help.
(2019-03-15, 02:14)jdpug Wrote: Hi all, thanks a million for this skin - I've played around with heaps, but this is my favourite by a mile.

I've gone back to Jarvis on my LibreElec Box (video micro stuttering issue with Krypton and Leia), so I've also gone back to version 3.3.0 of Metropolis.

The issue is thus:
I set up my home furniture as per my previous Krypton version, and deleted the Settings item from the menu and moved it to the Shutdown Menu on the S key.
My issue is that the settings item still appears in the menu (albeit without a background pic anymore), even though it no longer appears in the Home Furniture section when I go to edit anything.
Is there a way to manually fix this, or will I need to reset the Home Furniture and try again?

Thanks for any help.
Might try manually editing the "mainmenu.DATA.xml" file in "\\192.168.xx.xx\Userdata\addon_data\script.skinshortcuts", it might take, it also just might undo itself like it does now.
You could try also deleting the "settings.DATA.xml" file as well in there.
You could try deleting the "script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" file from the skin.metropolis\720p\" folder and letting it fully regenerate.

I would make backups of all those file before modifying or deleting them first so you can undo anything that goes wrong.

I originally made it so you could, and then couldn't, then could again. I don't remember which version did what, just that one warned you about removing the Settings menu, and one that wouldn't let you. It might be in this forum somewhere.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Cheers MacGyver, 

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I backed up the files you mentioned except for "script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" as i don't seem to have a 720p directory in skin.metropolis.
The changes I made didn't work, but having the files backed up made me brave enough to reset Home Furniture.
Even from vanilla, deleting the Settings doesn't have any effect, so maybe it wasn't allowed with 3.3.0, very glad you helped me out though - I'm the type to persevere, so your help has saved me stacks of failed attempts.

Much appreciated, and have a great weekend!
(2019-03-15, 11:00)jdpug Wrote: Cheers MacGyver, 

Thanks for taking the time to answer. I backed up the files you mentioned except for "script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml" as i don't seem to have a 720p directory in skin.metropolis.
The changes I made didn't work, but having the files backed up made me brave enough to reset Home Furniture.
Even from vanilla, deleting the Settings doesn't have any effect, so maybe it wasn't allowed with 3.3.0, very glad you helped me out though - I'm the type to persevere, so your help has saved me stacks of failed attempts.

Much appreciated, and have a great weekend!
So I dug into it a little more and updated Metropolis to use the new Disable/Enable features of skinshortcuts and can tell you that it looks like a bug in skinshortcuts. Even using the new feature to Disable the Settings menu doesn't remove it from the main menu.

 I could be wrong, but you might check with the author of the script.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)

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Home Furniture Issue: Settings deleted in Home Furniture but still appears in menu0