Customized Menu Item - Extra Click Required?!
Greetings all!  Kodi fan for YEARS and have 5 firesticks in my house with Kodi.  I've just upgraded one of my firesticks to Silvo and am trying to replicate something I did on my other firesticks but can't quite figure it out. 

So, I've added several video sources (Home Movies, Concerts, Workout Videos, Movies, TV Shows) as movie sources (all from my home network).  All the INF data is perfect as movies/tv shows work fine on all my other Firesticks.  I added a custom menu item called CONCERTS and when I go to CHANGE ACTION, I choose VIDEO LIBRARY > SOURCES > CONCERTS and then when I enter the folder I see all the concerts, which is what I expected.  I choose CREATE MENU ITEM HERE and choose MOVIES for my display.  Now, here's my problem.  If I go back to my menu, click on the new menu option for concerts, instead of going directly into the list of Concerts, I see the word CONCERTS (it's actually there twice?!) and have to click that again to get into the actual list of concerts.  On my other Firesticks, one click from the menu takes me right to list.  It's almost like I'm seeing the SHORTCUT to get to the concerts, I just want it to take me right into my source of concerts.  Make sense?  No extra click required.  I KNOW I'm missing something, but after 3 hours, I've about pulled my hair out.  What am I missing?

I have seen a few people make the same comment.

All I can suggest is you try an alternate method using Smart Playlists. See here...
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Customized Menu Item - Extra Click Required?!0