Patch my XBMC version
Hello everybody.

I have a Raspberry with raspbmc and a modified XBMC version to support Ambilight (it's AMAZING). I want to know fi it's possible patch my XBMC version to Add Retroplayer.

Thank You.

(2019-09-17, 09:21)Hoangnguyen Wrote: Hello everybody.

I have a Raspberry with raspbmc and a modified XBMC version to support Ambilight (it's AMAZING). I want to know fi it's possible patch my XBMC version to Add Retroplayer.

Thank You.

well, it seems that nobody knows or it cannot be done in your situation
RetroPlayer is included in v18 "Leia", no patching needed. You can find my test builds around here where I've actually backported some retroplayer fixes from v19 to v18.8.
RetroPlayer releases:

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Patch my XBMC version0