LIRC Sensitivity with xbox remote (lirc_atiusb)
Hi everyone,

I've just managed to get my xbox remote working with xbmc in Ubuntu 8.04.

However I find it too responsive as if the repeat is set to too short.

I have tried altering the lircd.conf file by changing settings for "min_repeat" and "gap", but no matter what values I put in, there is no difference in how the remote behaves.

Just wondering if anyone has had any luck configuring the repeat/delay/debounce settings for the remote to replicate that of the performance on an original xbox.

Actually I have the same issue with ati remote wonder, but no one was able to help on the solution, so I am a bit confused about what caused this behavior...
I Have a similar problem with my MCE remote - if for example I use the context menu on an epsiode to "mark as watched", XBMC will invariably think I have pressed the enter/ok button multiple times, which usually means it marks the file as watched, then presses the "..." option returning me to the previous screen. I always thought this was just a quirk of my setup, ubuntu, Lirc or XBMC, but if there is something I can do to stop this behaviour I'd love to know! I have tried tapping the remote in case I was holding the button too long - didn't work.
Sorry to revive old threads! Was there ever a resolution for this issue? My apple remote when used with Lirc and XBMC is WAY too responsive, you have to tap the buttons so carefully, if you hold it down for even 0.5s you'll send 3-4 commands to XBMC, anyone?
Im wondering too ? ? please.
I didn't have an Xbox remote but one of my other remote is like that. I found it it's cos of all the interferance. I put my receiver in a cardboard box and it fixed the issue.

Dunno if yours could be interference from tv or not but it's worth a try. Just get a cardboard box and put the receiver in it and see if that helps?
Amusing fix indeed. I dont think I want to go this route. Does anyone have any theories to why this remote phenomenon happens?

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LIRC Sensitivity with xbox remote (lirc_atiusb)0