How to stream movies FROM pc TO new Mac
So to sum up my daughter just got a Macbook for her birthday. I have my entire movie library on my desktop pc, and i've set it up so that we can watch movies on the desktop with Kodi (attached to our tv), or stream it to our numerous laptops as well, which also have kodi

 So, for instance if i'm on my laptop in the bedroom  I can open kodi (as long as it's also opened on the desktop) and stream anything from my library to my laptop to watch using the UpNP option

 The problem that she has a new Macbook, she wants to be able to do the same and stream movies to her macbook, but I know literally noting about Mac's (her mother in law bought it for her) and am having a hard time figuring out how to do so

 There seems to be no UpNp option that I can find on her mac version of Kodi, and it also can't seem to discover my home network despite the fact that I have sharing enabled with my movie library. Any help would be very much appreciated
(2020-02-11, 02:17)Myrothe Wrote: So to sum up my daughter just got a Macbook for her birthday. I have my entire movie library on my desktop pc, and i've set it up so that we can watch movies on the desktop with Kodi (attached to our tv), or stream it to our numerous laptops as well, which also have kodi

 So, for instance if i'm on my laptop in the bedroom  I can open kodi (as long as it's also opened on the desktop) and stream anything from my library to my laptop to watch using the UpNP option

 The problem that she has a new Macbook, she wants to be able to do the same and stream movies to her macbook, but I know literally noting about Mac's (her mother in law bought it for her) and am having a hard time figuring out how to do so

 There seems to be no UpNp option that I can find on her mac version of Kodi, and it also can't seem to discover my home network despite the fact that I have sharing enabled with my movie library. Any help would be very much appreciated
Sorry I'm not familiar with UPnP.  I do this with NFS sharing.  Kodi need not be running on the desktop server for it to work.  If you can learn how to set up your movies folder on the server as an NFS share, it's easy in Kodi.  In my case, the path I enter when creating the source on Kodi is
That's my server's address and path to the movies folder.

If you want to try it and have trouble setting up the NFS share on your server, I can probably help with that.  Also see

EDIT: By the way, there are indeed UPnP controls in Kodi for Mac (at least in v. 18.5) at Settings > Services.

Oh, and as far as the MacBook discovering the network, that should happen automatically.  Open any finder window or a new one with Command-N.  At the left should be a sidebar (if not, go to View > Show Sidebar).  There should be a section called Devices.  It can be clicked to hide or show its contents.  See if any other devices on the network are there.
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How to stream movies FROM pc TO new Mac0